
Construction sites in Quebec re-opened on Monday which allowed us to perform a long anticipated mock-up. Whenever we work on site, our team members are always well equipped with PPE and high viz, but from now we will have masks, gloves and new sanitation guidelines added to our mock-up kit .
Certains chantiers on repris lundi au Québec, ce qui nous a permis d'effectuer un mock-up in situ pour la première fois depuis plusieurs mois. Les members de notre équipe se dotent toujours de vestes, de casques et des bottes pour nos travaux en chantier, mais désormais, nous seront également équipé de masques, de gants et d'un nouveau guide sanitaire protocolaire.
#lightingdesign #mtlarchitecture #construction #mockup 💡#cavabienaller

This week we are sharing what's on our collective nightstands as we continue to nourish our minds during confinement.
Spoiler Alert: We are an eclectic bunch 😋
Pictured here:
1. Electric Light: An Architectural History by #sandyisenstadt
2. Reality is Broken by @jane_mcgonigal
3. Jardins de Chefs curated by @phaidonsnaps
4. In pequeño incendio by @elbaxter
5. Light and Sound: A Phaidon Theatre Manual by #neilfraser
6. Babel-17 by #samueldelany
7. The Bullet Journal Method by @rydercarroll
#readinglist #wfh

Bravo à nos partenaires chez Atelier TAG et Jodoin Lamarre Pratte!! Quelle Belle honneur. 😍🙌
#Repost @jodoinlamarrepratte.arch (@get_repost)
Le Théâtre Gilles-Vigneault, réalisé en consortium avec Atelier TAG, a remporté une Médaille du Gouverneur général du Canada en architecture 2020. Un article à consulter dans la section « Journal » de notre site web.

TIP #3: B A C K L I G H T I N G
Just as important as lighting your face, is to ensure your background is adequately lit. Most webcams don’t have a high dynamic range (HDR) so cannot support high levels of contrast within the frame.
Ideally your face should be 2 to 3 times brighter than your background. Any less and the image may appear flat, any more and your camera may start to struggle.
Send us your photos of your workspace and we will share some personalized tips on how to improve your set-up.
#videoconferencetips #lightingtips #lightingdesign #cavabienaller #itsgoingtobeokay #mtl #homeoffice #workfromhome #stayhome

TIP #2: F I L L L I G H T I N G
Many home workspaces have overhead lighting. This is great to light your work surface, but may not be the best for highlighting your facial features while on camera. No one wants extra dark circles under their eyes!
To combat this, add a tasklight on your desk facing you on an oblique angle. This will fill in those dark circles or any other sharp shadows.
If you are already following tip #1, a task light with a warmer colour will help give your face a healthy warm glow. If you have a window on one side of your space, place the task light on the opposite side of your work surface.
#videoconferencetips #lightingtips #lightingdesign #cavabienaller #itsgoingtobeokay #mtl #homeoffice #workfromhome #stayhome

TIP #1: F R O N T L I G H T I N G
The three key lighting elements to consider to best illuminate a subject (that’s you!) on camera are front-lighting, fill lighting and back-lighting.
Don’t rely on your computer screen to front light your face! The best tactic is to orient yourself well within your workspace. Try facing a window. If you can’t, avoid having a window in the background as this will likely drown out your face in silhouette.
#videoconferencetips #lightingtips #lightingdesign #cavabienaller #itsgoingtobeokay #mtl #homeoffice #workfromhome #stayhome

Nous avons une profonde admiration pour tous les professionnels de la santé, de la sécurité publique et les caissiers d'épicerie. #solidarité

Take a break from looking at the numbers on the news and #sharethelight .

The CS Design team might be working from home, but this hasn't affected our creativity. We would like to share our deepest gratitude to those on the front lines fighting the spread of this virus. #solidarity .
#covid_19 #stayhome #propagelinfopaslevirus #cavabienaller #sanssortirpoursensortir #montreal #lightlovers #rosco

We are pretty excited to see the lighting of the main road come together 10 years after drafting the McGill University Exterior Lighting Masterplan!
#mcgilluniversity #campuslighting #campuslife @mcgillfacilities

Are you enjoying this winter wonderland?
#canadianwinter #montrealwinter #letitsnow #mcgilluniversity #winterwonderland #wearenorth @mcgillfacilities @mcgillu @mcgillalumni @mcgill_architecture

Let there be light!!!
Brand new lighting on main road of the @mcgillu campus 💡
#mcgilluniversity #winterwonderland #campuslighting

Our project SAQ De la Montagne won two awards at the Grands Prix du Design! ▪︎Commercial space of over 5400 square feet Award
▪︎ Special Lighting Award
The jury's comments: "The avant-garde approach adopted by this project and the showcasing of the products were unanimously praised by the jury, which also awarded the project a special prize for its sublime lighting treatment." We thank Blouin Tardif Architects, Sidlee and the SAQ for this amazing collaboration! 📷 Steve Montpetit

🙌 🙌 🙌

Notre projet SAQ De la Montagne remporte 2 prix aux Grands Prix du Design! ▪︎Grand Prix Commercial 1600 à 5400 pi2
▪︎Prix spécial Éclairage
Les commentaires du jury: " L'approche avant-gardiste adoptée dans la mise en place de ce projet et la mise en valeur des produits sont saluées unanimement par le jury, qui a également octroyé un prix spécial pour le sublime traitement d'éclairage." Merci à Blouin Tardif Architectes, Sidlee et la SAQ pour cette superbe collaboration! 📷 Steve Montpetit

Visant à traduire l'identité du bâtiment le jour afin de permettre à celle-ci de se manifester la nuit, la mise en lumière distinctive des façades saillantes du nouveau Pôle culturel lui permet de s'afficher et de marquer sa présence au sein de la ville, tout en mettant en évidence son rôle en tant que véritabe phare culturel de la région.
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Architecture: Atelier TAG - Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architects
Éclairage en façade: CS Design
•. •. •
#miseenlumiere #architecturequebecoise #villedechambly #eclairagedesign #phareculturel #poleculturel

During the day, the ribbed façade encapsulates the performance space within, while at night the light acts as a beacon while gently recalling the rhythm of the envelopes subtle texture.
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Architecture: Atelier Tag + Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architects
Façade Lighting: CS Design
•. •. •
#closeup #facadelighting #culturalbuildings #villedechambly #canadianarchitecture

We are thrilled to publish some of this first photos of our completed low res media façade for the new Pôle culturel de Chambly.
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Situated on boulevard de Périgny, the building is most often experienced on an acute or obtuse angle - depending on which direction you are travelling - which constantly alters your reading of the soaring volumes in the night sky.
•. •. •
Thank you to architects from Atelier Tag and @jodoinlamarrepratte.arch for continuously trusting us to contribute to and compliment your vision.
•. •. •
#lightingdesign #facadelighting #mediafacade #villedechambly #pôlecultureldechambly #canadianarchitecture #architecturequebecoise

The light from Wave-Field is dialogue with the lights of Manhattan high-rises. ???Must visit in order to immerse yourself within the unique soundscape by the amazing Mitchell Akiyama.
#Repost @fomofeed (@get_repost)
WHAT: WAVE-FIELD. Featuring eight seesaws of varying sizes, Wave-Field’s main intention is to give people agency over the urban site the artwork inhabits. All spectators, whether active or passive, are immersed in a heteromorphic soundscape, forming an undulating field that fluctuates between surprising syncopations and abstract sound expansions. Each seesaw is inhabited by a foreign entity, each with its own temperament and its own musical vocabulary. Set in motion, they burst into a menagerie of electric calls that resonate with the site’s urban pulse, blurring the boundaries between sound and landscape. .
WHERE: Seaport Square, next to Pier 17 .
WHEN: January 7 – March 31. Open Daily 10am to 9pm. .
FEED INSPIRATION: #seaportdistrict #wavefield . . . .
#FOMOfeed #nyc #newyorkcity #nycart #immersiveart #artinstallation #publicart #immersive #immersiveexperience ・・・
@cs.design.lighting @lateraloffice @the_noise_no_writing_can_store

People rocking Wave-Field back and forth like the water rocking the ships back in forth near the dock.
#Repost @febeary (@get_repost)
What a perfect day in NYC! I went to see these giant #seesaws that light-up and play music at Pier 17 at the Seaport @seaportdistrict.nyc #smile #puppy #puppylife #downtown #puppyadventures #01112020 #puppyvision #2020 #photo #photooftheday #nyc #miniatureschnauzer #dogslife

Seesaws by the Seashore is right! What a dream come true to be in NYC!
Thanks to @seaportdistrict.nyc and @pier17ny for inviting to activate your beautiful waterfront space this winter. And Thank you to all our incredible collaborators: @lateraloffice @the_noise_no_writing_can_store
@generiquedesign • •. •
#Repost @seaportdistrict.nyc (@get_repost)
It's time to play: Wave-Field, Variation O, our newest art installation, has arrived at Seaport Square, just in time to help cure the winter blues. Wave-Field is created by CS Design (@cs.design.lighting) and Lateral Office (@lareraloffice). •. •. •
#seaportdistrictnyc #pier17 #wavefield #seesaws #publicart #lightart

¡El equipo de CS Design les desea a todos unas felices fiestas!

The CS Design team wishes you a Happy Holidays!

L'équipe de CS Design vous souhaite Joyeuses Fêtes!

Morning Mock-ups!
📷 @fantafleur .

Sneak peek of our collaboration with Atelier Tag + Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architects in Chambly, QC - almost complete!
#pôlecultureldechambly #quebecarchitecture #facadelighting #mediafacade #lightingdesign @jodoinlamarrepratte.arch

It's opening night for New Circadia!
Thanks to Dean Sommer of the Daniels Faculty of Architecture for inviting us to be a part of this experimental immersive exhibition.
The installation is made up of three cave-like zones each with a different light treatment and quality designed to slow the body down and wake the body up again.
@uoftdaniels @petrosbabasikas @the_noise_no_writing_can_store @pillowculture @danielsartdirective
#newcircadia #softarchitecture #mentalspelunking #slowarchitecture #dreamspace #sleep #immersiveexhibition #circadianrhythm

We are looking forward to having Elizabeth Johnson and Ken Douglas speak this week about their inspiring work including the new Champlain Bridge! • • •
#Repost @mcgill_architecture (@get_repost)
Please join us for the Axis Lighting Lecture, “Signature Spans at Night, Creating a Community Icon with Light,” with Ken Douglas and Elizabeth Johnson, HLB Lighting, Canada - Tuesday 29 October 2019 - 6pm - Room G-10, Macdonald-Harrington Building | #mcgillarchitecture • • •
@hlblighting #hlblighting @axislighting #axislightinglecture

Was fun experimenting with lighting for a subterranean environment and technology which aims to modulate your circadian rhythm. Come check out the exhibit if you are in Toronto.
#Repost @uoftdaniels (@get_repost)
What would happen if we disconnected from standard time and external stimuli within a dream-like space specifically designed for relaxation, reflection, and repose?
Join us November 7 at 7:30pm for the launch of New Circadia, an immersive installation that transforms our new 8,000-square-feet Architecture and Design Gallery into a cave-like atmosphere – a soft utopia designed as an antidote to our technologically-infused lives. 😴Visit the link in our bio to register for this free event. .
#pillowculture #newcircadia #toronto #uoftdaniels #uoft #architecture #sleepstudies #torontoexhibition #architectureanddesign #torontogallery #art #installation #seetorontonow #curiocitytoronto #immersiveinstallation #sleep #meditation .
Exhibition support provided through the Lorne M. Gertner Fund.

Last year, our team completed is largest project of note, the illumination of the Sun Life Building in Montreal. This turnkey project was commissioned to mark the 100th anniversary of the notable 26-story structure which was the largest building in the British Empire for over fifty years. Playing upon the metaphor of the rising sun and the existing clarion sound system which has been in use since Expo 67, the lighting design rises dynamically from the base to the crown of the building, in tandem with any number of acoustic accompaniments. In order to increase the perceived height of the building, the design accentuates the vertical elements of the building composition, such as the engaged columns on the main facades and the free-standing ionic columns of the front portico and balconies of the 17th floor.
En raison du caractère patrimonial de l’édifice, les nouveaux luminaires devaient prioriser une esthétique discrète, une installation non-invasive ainsi qu’un besoin minimal d’entretien. Une analyse soignée de l’orientation des faisceaux étroits des luminaires a été performé pour éviter le voilement du ciel étoilé et l’éblouissement des usagers des espaces intérieurs. Le nouveau système d’éclairage des façades génère une économie d’énergie de 25% en comparant avec les équipements précédents tout en augmentant le nombre de luminaires et l’impact de l’édifice SunLife dans le paysage nocturne. Tout récemment, le projet est devenue récipiendaire du Prix d'excellence de l'IESNA, soit le plus grand honneur en éclairage en amérique du nord - quel beau cadeau pour notre 10e anniversaire!
#lightingdesign #architecturallighting #heritagelighting #facadelighting #canadianlandmark #sunlifebuilding #montreal #10years #csdesign #celebration
photos by @paul_poirier

We have worked on spaces for Air Canada for a decade now and the most recent project was completed two years ago at Pearson International Airport in Toronto with our longtime collaborators Heekyung Duquette and Eric Majer. The Air Canada Signature Suite is a luxury lounge available exclusively to the airline’s top International Business customers at its Toronto Pearson global hub. With the intention of fulfilling the clientele’s increased desire for more customization, more flexibility and higher quality at every step of the way, Air Canada has created a premium experience unrivaled in North America. Due to the international schedule of the lounge which remains open for 19 hours a day, lighting control was finely tuned in order to create lighting scenes that would welcome travelers in a sensitive manner at all times of the day, differentiating the lounge from the over lit areas of the rest of the airport.
Accueillant chaleureusement les visiteurs par un habillage de claustras en bois d’érable, l’espace de 6,400 pi2 offre aux voyageurs une échappatoire à la frénésie qui habite le reste de l’aéroport, leur offrant un lieu serein et élégant afin de se reposer et de se recharger. Afin d’accentuer le caractère intime du salon tout en mettant en valeur les œuvres canadiennes de façon discrète et intégrée, des tons chaleureux ont été sélectionnés pour éclairer l’espace principal du salon. Surmontant les difficultés dues à l’absence d’un plafond fixe, les sources lumineuses ont été positionnées à proximité du sol et du visiteur, permettant aux voyageurs de concentrer leur attention sur l’expérience culinaire sophistiquée tout en créant un espace invitant et propice à la détente.
#lightingdesign #airportlighting #travelbreak #aircanadalounge #pearson #toronto #yyz #signaturesuite #travellinginstyle #heekyungduquette #ericmajerarchitect #10years #csdesign
photos by @adrienwilliamsphotos

Over the years, we have created signature lighting schemes for many local, national and internation retail brands including ALDO, Metro and the SAQ. Lighting plays a crucial role in retail design to set the tone for the customer's experience, underline brand identity as well as showcase products in their best possible way. Three years ago, we collaborated with AEdifica on a store in Toronto which pushes the limits of the conceptual retail model. In addition to the exclusive merchandise offering, this store of 9000 square feet seamlessly integrates a high-level training gym for athletes and community, an artisanal customization space, and a barbershop. On the ground floor, a combination of focused and wallwash projectors on suspended track illuminate floor displays with a vivid white light. This contrasted effect, paired with dark ceiling treatments and the highlighted floating figure of Jumpman, call to mind the court atmosphere on a game night.
Nous sommes fiers et heureux d'avoir collaborer avec AEdifica à plusieurs reprises sur la réalisation d'environments commerciaux lauréats pour des marques tel que Lolë et Avril. Pour la boutique Jordan à Toronto, les critères de conception en éclairage dépassent les demandes typiques dans un programme commerciale afin de gérer le fonctions chevauchantes de l'espace. Ornant les murs, des installations artistiques, illuminées grâce à un éclairage rasant, plongent le client dans une expérience immersive de la culture du basketball de Toronto. Dans l’ensemble du projet, l’éclairage permet de se projeter symboliquement, comme dans l’espace commercial, ou littéralement, comme dans la salle d’entrainement, dans l’univers dynamique de Michael Jordan.

Four years ago, we were busy detailing the lighting integration in the new Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Peace Pavilion. CS Design was retained to support the design team - led by Atelier TAG + Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes - at all stages of project development, with an emphasis on the main public spaces of the museum. The main façade is wrapped with a delicate aluminum screen, designed to filter daylight while engaging in a dialog with the more opaque white marble volumes of the original museum pavilions. At night the light effect is reversed with the vertical wooden wall reflecting a warm light which bleeds out to the street, dematerializing and throwing the screen elements into silhouette.
Le nouveau Pavillon pour la paix accueille la prestigieuse collection de Michal et Renata Hornstein, et héberge des espaces éducatifs et communautaires du musée. Ce 4000 m2 d’agrandissement distribué sur 6 niveaux est situé sur la rue Bishop, au sud du pavillon Jean-Noël Desmarais. La mise en lumière de l'espace de circulation verticale, où l'escalier fut traité comme une œuvre d'art, fut central à l'exercice de CS Design ainsi qu'à l'expérience du pavillion, tant à l'intérieur que de l'extérieur. Dans l’ensemble du projet, des dispositifs de montage et de camouflage pour les appareils d’éclairage ont été créés sur mesure pour minimiser l'apparence du matériel d'éclairage et éliminer la nécessité de percer les plafonds.

Created for the Venice Architectural Biennale of 2014, the Canadian Pavilion played host to an exhibition entitled “Arctic Adaptations: Nunavut at 15”. In a collaborative design effort, Lateral Office for Architecture coordinated the exhibit to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the territory’s founding. Ringing the perimeter of the pavilion, a series of bas-relief discs representing distinct Nordic communities are arrayed. Using a vertical grazing technique designed to emphasize texture and lift the discs from their backdrop, the elements float like phases of the moon against the night sky. As a composition, the lighting of the Canadian pavilion is inspired by the strong horizon line of the northern winter landscape. Punctuated by delicate vertical lines of light, a tension between the resilience of the boreal vegetation and the snow is recalled.
En architecture, c'est un honneur singulier de pouvoir représenter son pays à la Biennale de Venise. Pour la Biennale d’architecture de 2014, le Pavillon du Canada a présenté un projet qui s’intitulait Adaptations à l’Arctique : Nunavut à 15. L’exposition, réalisée par Lateral Office célébrait le 15e anniversaire de la fondation du Nunavut en 1999. Sous la thématique générale de l’architecture de l’Arctique, l’exposition devait présenter l’environnement bâti actuel et futur du Nunavik, dans un environnement immersif évoquant le Grand Nord. Ce faisant, le concept d’éclairage devait, d’une part, mettre en lumière les artéfacts et, d’autre part, participer à la création d’une atmosphère et d’une luminosité singulièrement nordique. •

Phoebe Greenberg, founder and director of the PHI Center, championed the meticulous restoration and reinvention of an Old Montreal heritage building, transforming it from a nineteenth century warehouse into an arts center and creative hub, endowed with the latest building technology. Six years ago, that vision came to life. CS Design was involved in all phases of the project design, from interior to exterior illumination as well as the management of the LEED dossier for lighting and lighting controls. The PHI Center has achieved a LEED Gold certification. Anchoring the Center visually and structurally, a concrete shear wall pierces the building from basement to roof, drawing daylight from a punctual skylight. In a nod to the technological vocation of the Center, daylight is captured at the apex of the void and then data is relayed to LEDs, which amplify their light output and re-introduce it in the lower levels. Symbolically unifying the twin themes of technology and sustainability, this light feature animates the space, offering multiple readings of the old and new architecture over time.
Il y a 6 ans, notre équipe a contribué à la réalisation de la vision de Mme Phoebe Greenberg, fondatrice et directrice du Centre PHI, en participant à la méticuleuse restauration d'un édifice patrimoinial du Vieux Montréal où siège deromais l'institution culturelle. Le mandat de CS Design pour ce projet, allant de l’éclairage des espaces intérieurs à la mise en lumière de l’extérieure, devait répondre à de multiples défis, en commençant par la valorisation de l’interaction entre l’architecture d’origine et les additions contemporaines. Dû au large spectre d’activités soutenues par le centre Phi, telles des projections, séminaires ou expositions interactives, le travail d’éclairage devait également rendre hautement adaptables les espaces, afin que chaque configuration adoptée paraisse naturelle. L’expertise en éclairage a permis de mettre en valeur les espaces modulables, tout en préservant l’intégrité des œuvres qui y sont présentées.

Community airports, such as the Quaqtaq Airport, play an indispensable role in Canada's far North. In addition to ensuring the transport of travellers and goods, the symbolic importance of these airports as gateways to the communities cannot be underestimated. Where the original series of airports were conceived as standardized constructions, the new constructions embrace their role as unique signifiers of the individual communities. Seven years ago, we had the opportunity to support FGMDA (now EVOQ architects) with the illumination of the interior and exterior of the Quaqtaq Airport and its elaborate scultptural whale representations. The short construction season and demanding climactic conditions combined to make the choice of equipment for this project especially critical.
Les aéroports communautaires comme celui de Quaqtaq sont des infrastructures indispensables pour les communautés du Grand Nord canadien. Il y a sept ans, nous avions collaboré avec FGMDA (maintenant EVOQ architecture) pour la mise en lumière de leur architecture avant-gardiste se distinguant notamment par sa forme générale et par son ornementation de l'ancienne génération d'aéroports de cette région. Grâce à un éclairage étudié, ces fins profils de plastique bigarré semblent nager librement dans l’atmosphère bleutée des nuits nordiques. L’emplacement isolé et le climat aride figurent aussi parmi les contraintes majeures qu’il a fallu considérer lors du choix des appareils d'éclairage.

Eight years ago the STM (Société de transport de Montréal) celebrated it’s 150th anniversary. In a reciprocal gesture to the RATP, who donated the art nouveau style gateway to the Square Victoria entrance of the metro, the STM gifted a work art entitled La Voix Lactée by montreal-based artist Geneviève Cadieux to Saint-Lazare station in Paris. This work acts in dialogue with its counterpart La Voie Lactée which sits perched atop the Musée d’art contemporain. In Montreal the work is backlit, evanescent and seen from a distance, while in Paris the artwork is a shimmering, tactile glass mosaic. It was a true collaborative experience working in the artist’s studio with full scale mock-ups to test out different lighting options and angles that would make the artwork shine without causing glare to commuters passing by.
La STM a célébré sont 150e anniversaire en 2011. Pour faire écho au cadeau de la RATP en 2003 de l’entrée de métro distinctif à la station Square Victoria, la STM a fait don d’une œuvre de l’artiste montréalaise, Geneviève Cadieux, pour orner les murs de la station Saint-Lazare à Paris. L’œuvre, intitulé La Voix Lactée, agit en dialogue avec son homologue, La Voie Lactée qui habite le toit du MACM. À Montréal, l’œuvre rétroéclairer s’expérience à distance tandis qu’à Paris, la mosaïque tactile et scintillante s’observe de très près. L’exercice de mise en lumière fut entièrement collaboratif et fondé sur l’expérimentation à pleine échelle dans l’atelier de l’artiste pour valider les meilleurs angles d’incidence de la lumière pour mettre en valeur l’œuvre sans éblouir les observateurs en circulation.
#lightingdesign #artlighting #paris #genevievecadieux #mtlartist #lavoielactée #lavoixlactée #metrodeparis #stm #ratp #10years #csdesign

Nine years ago, we had the pleasure of collaborating with Paul Davis Architects on an adaptive reuse of a heritage waterfront property in Newport Beach California. The meticulous attention to detail and respect for the original architecture, garnered this project a Preservation Design Award upon completion. Exploiting the remarkable bones of the original structure, with its 18-foot ceilings and floor to slab windows affording views out over the harbour, this building speaks of transparency, reflections and a layered exposition of time. These three themes guided both architecture and lighting interventions throughout. A series of daylight simulation exercises were central to the project as they resulted in the application of filters to reduce contrast and glare, while preserving the transparency, on the long south-facing façade which benefited from intense daylight exposure.
Il y a neuf ans, nous avons eu le plaisir de collaborer avec Paul Davis Architects sur la la conversion d’un restaurant portuaire en une vibrante boutique de luxe en Californie. Avec sa coque structurale distinctive, son abondance de fenêtres cintrées vertigineuses et ses plafonds de presque 6 mètres de haut, ce bâtiment évoque la transparence, la réflectivité, la mémoire du lieu. Ce sont ces thèmes qui ont guidés le projet et sa mise en lumière à travers toutes ses phases. Aligné selon un axe est-ouest, l’espace principal, situé au sud, est la portion du bâtiment subissant l’exposition la plus intense au soleil. Ce sont des exercises de simulation de lumière diurne qui ont informé l'application de filtres sur le vitrage pour limiter les contrastes et l'éblouissement tout en préservant la transparence majestueuse du lieu.

Ten years ago, contractors broke ground on James Square on McGill University's lower campus. This collaboration with WAA Landscape Architecture was the first project to follow the guidelines of our lighting masterplan for the downtown campus of McGill University. This plan was influenced and reinforces the general concepts presented in the Diamond Schmitt Architects campus masterplan (2005-2006), and sought to harmonize both the core campus’ built environment with a growing collection of satellite locations and adjacent city lighting installations. Through the drafting of functional and aesthetic guidelines, the plan serves as a guide for all current and future exterior campus lighting projects. James Square, like many other public areas of the campus, also features works from McGill Art collection including Exaltation by Giovanni Porretta (1980-81) and Polypède by Charles Daudelin (1967) pictured here.
Il y a déjà 10 ans maintenant que les travaux ont débuté au Square James sur le campus de l'université McGill. Cette collaboration avec WAA Architecture de Paysage fut le premier projet employant les principes établis dans notre plan de mise en lumière pour le campus. Ce plan devait d’une part, renforcer les grandes lignes du plan directeur de Diamond Schmitt Architectes (2005-2006), et d’autre part, unifier les terrains satellites au campus urbain central, grâce à l’harmonisation des installations d’éclairage. En fournissant des directives fonctionnelles et esthétiques, le plan sert désormais de guide pour les projets d’éclairage extérieur en cours et à venir. Le Square James est l'hôte de plusieurs œuvres d'art de la collection de l'université incluant Exaltation par Giovanni Porretta (1980-81) et Polypède par Charles Daudelin (1967) imagé ici.
@mcgillu @mcgillfacilities @mcgillalumni

Lighting the surroundings of schools should not be overlooked either. Download our latest publication at the link in bio.
#lightingforeducation #lightingforschools #labecole #lightingdesign #eclairagepourecoles


Back to school on the brain?
Discover our newest publication: Lighting the Schools of Tomorrow / S’investir dans la lumière!
Download the PDF from our website and learn more on how proper lighting makes for better learning environments. Link in bio.
Location: Les écoles Azrieli, Côte-Des-Neiges
Photo inspiration: Alexandre St. Jean

During the 46th Annual IESNA Illumination Awards, the illumination of the historic SunLife Building in Montreal was recognized with a great honour! Learn more about the project at the link in bio.
#illuminationawards #lightingdesign #canadianheritage #mtlarchitecture #iesna #ieslightaffecteffect #iesmtl #theies #iesac2019 @the_iesorg @sunlifeca @sunlifeqc

The IESNA is the lighting authority for North America, a bit like the AIA or RAIC for architecture... but for lighting. After ten years in practice, this award of excellence for CSDesign comes as a great validation of our work and a huge honour for us.
Congratulations to the whole team at CSDesign; to those who started the project with us, and to those who stayed the course. This was very much a team effort and could not have happened without Groupe SIP, Paule Boutin architecte, EXP engineering, GO Multimedia, and Riopel architects. •
Thank you also to the jury and to our clients: BentallGreenOak, the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada and Groupe Petra. We would also be remiss not to recognize EDP and Acuity for their steadfast dedication to the project and for their hard work pulling this project across the finish line.

Newest addition to the office: green window sills to brighten up the space!

You worked hard boys. We are with you for the next one on the road. Light up the Oracle with the heart of a whole nation at your back!
📷 by III Gander
#wethenorth #letsgoraptors #ocanada #nbafinals

Game 5! Are you watching?!
#letsgoraptors #wethenorth #nbafinals #bball #TO .
📷 by III Gander of our awesome collab with AEdifica on the Jordan flagship store in Toronto

You know summer has started when...
Thanks #iesmtl for putting together such a fabulous day bringing the lighting community in #mtl together.

Montreal's City Hall is currently closed for more extensive renovation, hut we thought we would share some glimpses of the Hall of Honour. A collaboration with Affleck de la Riva.
L'hôtel de Ville de Montréal est présentement fermé pour des travaux, mais nous partageons les résultats d'une première phase complété en collaboration avec Affleck de la Diva.
#architecturallighting #lightingdesign #montrealarchitecture #architecturedemontreal #heritagearchitecture #patrimoinemontrealais #travauxpublics #travauxmontreal #renovation #villedemontreal #vieuxmontreal #hoteldevilledemontreal @levieuxmontreal @centrevillemontreal @travaux_montreal

These openings where once actual skylights into the Hall of Honour. Renovations over the years blocked the openings onto the sky. Recent work helped restore the original intent of bathing the Hall in light.
#lightingdesigner #lightingdesign #designwithlight #light #hallofhonour #mtlcityhall #hoteldevilledemontreal #mtldesigner

This cornice was begging for a cove light 😉
#lightingdesign #architecturallighting #heritagearchitecture

Joyeux 75e Hydro QC!!
#québec #hydroquebec #éclairerlemonde #75ans #yul #lighting #sitesights #testing #programming #énergie #power

May the 4th be with you!
#mockup #theforce #lighting

Thanks Illumini for the feature!
Link in bio for the video by @paul_poirier
#lightingdesign #illumini #sunlife #architecturallighting #heritagearchitecture #montrealbynight #mtlarchitecture #mtldesigner

In all of Air Canada's lounge projects, we get the pleasure of highlighting the amazing work of Canadian artists. At the YYT Maple Leaf Lounge, you can find the work of:
• Dave Howells @dave_howells_photo whose photo 'Herman' is shown here
• Ethan Murphy @manofgreengables
• Jason Holley @jasonholley
and Stephen Zeifman
@aircanada #canadiandesign #canadianart #discovercanada #lighting
Photo: Brian Losito

Always exciting to discover the far corner of our country working with @aircanada New Maple Leaf Lounge open in St-John's, Newfoundland - the closest airport to Canada's most eastern point
#ohcanada #yyt #newfoundland #aircanada #canadianarchitecture #canadiandesign #musttravel #discovercanada #wearenorth #lightingdesign @aircanadarouge @aircanadavacations
Lounge design: Heekyung Duquette Design Office
Airport architect: John Hearn Architect
Photos: Brian Losito

Getting side tracked while on an important mission to see some light fixtures. Bless their hearts!
@edp.espace @sim1bevilacqua #lightingdesigner #factoryvisit #southernhospitality #jamesandthegiantpeach

Playing upon the metaphor of the rising sun and the existing clarion system which has been in use since Expo67, the lighting design rises dynamically from the base to the crown of the building in tandem with any number of sonic accompaniments.
📷 @paul_poirier .
#sunlife #sunlifefinancial #light #risingsun #lightingdesign #architecturallighting #montrealheritage #expo67 #mtldesign #mtlarchitecture #montreal #lighting #montrealskyline

The SunLife Building was the tallest building in the British Empire for over 50 years. The lighting design accentuates the repetition of the vertical elements in the architectural composition.
📷 @paul_poirier .
#lightingdesign #light #montrealheritage #sunlife @sunlifeqc @acuitybrandscanada @edp.espace

As a counterpoint to the setting sun, the illumination of the SunLife Financial building anchors this iconic structure in Montreal's nighttime skyline.
Follow link in bio for full video!
#sunlife #lightingdesign #canadianheritage #montreal

#di-octo #anthonyhowe #sculpture #mtlart #concordiauniversity

Di-Octo by Anthony Howe taking on a whole new life at night
@concordiauniversity @anthony.howe.art #hallbuilding #mtlpublicart

It's alive!
#Di-Octo #anthonyhowe #concordiauniversity #artpublicmontreal

Could you imagine walking but this view on your way to work?! #Repost @provencher_roy (@get_repost)
The common spaces of the Montréal Tower provide views of the interior of the Olympic Stadium. . . .
Les espaces communs de la Tour de Montréal donnent des vues sur l’intérieur du Stade olympique.
Photo : @stephanebrugger

Provencher Roy's masterful renovation of the tower's base with the introduction of new volumes in symbiotic dialogue with the existing structure.
It was an honour to collaborate on this project to help highlight the character defining elements of the iconic structure while accenting the contemporary insertions in their own unique manner.
#Repost @provencher_roy (@get_repost)
The Montréal Tower’s interior common spaces have been upgraded in respect to the original architecture, where the refined and luminous treatment of surfaces and the enhancement of the existing concrete structure coexist. . . .
Les espaces communs intérieurs de la Tour de Montréal ont fait l’objet d’une mise à niveau respectueuse de l’architecture originale où se côtoient le traitement épuré et lumineux des surfaces et la mise en valeur de la structure existante en béton.
Photos : @stephanebrugger

So cool to see this project come to light after so many years!
#Repost @provencher_roy (@get_repost)
In 2018, @Provencher_Roy carried out the restructuring of the interior spaces of the Montréal Tower. . . .
En 2018, Provencher_Roy a procédé à une restructuration des espaces intérieurs de la Tour de Montréal.
Photos : @stephanebrugger

A calm and itimate oasis within the hustle and bustle of Canada's largest airport
Thanks for the great shots @adrienwilliamsphotos
#aircanada #yyz #lightingdesign #superelite #jetset

Thanks to the IES Toronto section for the Illumination Award in Interior Lighting 🌟
We love creating and collaborating with Eric Majer architect and Heekyung Duquette Design Office!
📷 @adrienwilliamsphotos .
#architecturallighting #lightingdesign #aircanada #airportlighting #loungelighting #iesna #iestoronto #inovaawards #ericmajerarchitecte #hddo #csdesign

New Air Canada Signature Suite at Toronto Pearson International Airport
Thanks @aircanada for you continued confidence!
📷 @adrienwilliamsphotos .
#aircanada #yyz #lightingdesign #csdesign #architecturallighting

"Visible de loin, le soir venu, le bâtiment se « transforme en une lanterne illuminée, offrant ainsi une transition transparente et accueillante entre le musée et la ville », a noté le jury."
Merci #ateliertag et #jodoinlamarreprattearchitectes de nous avoir fait confiance pour la mise en lumière!
📷 Marc Cramer
#architecturallighting #lightingdesign #excellenceinarchitecture #canadianarchitecture #governorgeneralmedal #éclairagearchitectural #mtldesign @raic_irac

Massive congratulations to #ateliertag and #jodoinlamarreprattearchitectes on their Governor General's Medal in architecture for their work on the Michal and Renata Hornstein Pavilion for Peace @mbamtl Such a high honour!
📷 Pawel Karwowski
@raic_irac @mtlarchitecture @canadian.architects #designexcellence #mtlarchitecture #canadianarchitecture #designmtl @junia100

Merci @olivierblouin_ et @edp.espace pour les merveilleuses photos de notre collaboration avec AEdifica Architecture + Design pour le nouveau Supermarché @avrilsante à Laval! 🙏📷💡
#lightingdesign #retaillighting #architecturallighting
@louispoulsen @lumenwerx @sistemalux #peerlesslighting #gothamlighting

(3/3) Massive thanks to @beakerhead for their support over the past year. It was such an honor to be selected for the Big Bang Residency! 🙌
#beakerhead #beakerhead2018 #yyc #calgary #installationart #lightart #interactiveart
@the_mbac @iregular.io @smp_engineering @opticslighting @beakerhead

(2/3) #SkybridgeSyncopation is an ever-changing light and sound show that will reveal itself once you visit it!
#beakerhead #beakerhead2018 #yyc #calgary #installationart #lightart #interactiveart
@the_mbac @iregular.io @smp_engineering @opticslighting @beakerhead

(1/3) After a year in the making, #SkybridgeSyncopation is going live tomorrow!
#beakerhead #beakerhead2018 #yyc #calgary #installationart #lightart #interactiveart
@the_mbac @iregular.io @smp_engineering @opticslighting @beakerhead

(3/3) The @aircanada international lounge is up for an international design award! Please vote! Link in bio.
Amazing collaboration with Heekyung Duquette Design Office and Eric Majer Architect
#aircanada #hddo #ericmajer #canadiandesign #designmtl #designawards2018 📷 @adrienwilliamsphotos

(2/3) The @aircanada international lounge is up for an international design award! Please vote! Link in bio.
Amazing collaboration with Heekyung Duquette Design Office and Eric Majer Architect
#aircanada #hddo #ericmajer #canadiandesign #designmtl #designawards2018 📷 @adrienwilliamsphotos

(1/3) The @aircanada international lounge is up for an international design award! Please vote! Link in bio.
Amazing collaboration with Heekyung Duquette Design Office and Eric Majer Architect
#aircanada #hddo #ericmajer #canadiandesign #designmtl #designawards2018 📷 @adrienwilliamsphotos

Joyeuse St-Jean Baptiste! Have a great long weekend everyone 😉
#fetenationale #stjeanbaptiste #bleu #jemesouviens #vivemtl #designmtl #loons #csdesign

Congratulations Martha! What a beautiful, thoughtful and well curated show.
Un dialogue profond entre the travail de Townsend et Molinari. Une visite est mérité pour s'inspirer de la juxtaposition.
May 24 - July 22, 2018
#marthatownsend #marthachezmoli #guidomolinari

On engage! We are hiring!
For more information, go to this link: http://designcs.ca/nouvelles
#jobposting #joboffer #offredemploi #lightingdesign

Can't believe it's already been a week since Light + Building! #stillrecovering .
#light #lightingdesign #lightiseverything #fiatlux #frankfurt

The Jordan Store and the Place Curé-Labelle were recognized at the Grands Prix du Design! We are extremely proud to have contributed to these projects and would like to take a moment to thank Aedifica, BC2 along with the rest of our collaborators! #architecture #design #interiordesign #canadiandesigner #montreal #toronto #st-jerome #lighting #lightingdesign #light #lumiere #luce #ies #awards #welitthat

It's the last night to experience the light based art installations in Union Terrace Gardens, Marischal College and St Nicholas Kirkyard where you can find these curious contraptions from RaumZeitPiraten called OctopusGarden
#spectraabdn #spectra18 #aberdeen #lightfestival #lightart #installationart #raumzeitpiraten @curatedplace @spectraaberdeen @aberdeen_cc

People of all ages have flocked to Union Terrace Gardens tonight to interact with different #light based installations. Earlier, some youngsters who contributed some amazing projects under the guidance of Hannah Ayre and Amanda Yates got VIP access to the park to take the artwork for a spin!
Les écoliers de Aberdeen en Écosse qui ont contribué leurs oeuvres fabuleuses au festival SPECTRA ont eu un accès privé au installations lumineuses avant que les foules arrivent.
#spectraabdn #spectra18 #aberdeen #scotland #lightart #festivalart #blacklightmagic #makingarttogether #playfulart @spectraaberdeen @aberdeen_cc @curatedplace

Discovering so many colourful light artists in #aberdeen Trippy geometries by UK artists Amanda Yates & Hannah Ayre
#spectraabdn #spectra18 #scotland #lightart #lightfestival #blacklightmagic @spectraaberdeen @aberdeen_cc #curatedplace

Looking back on the amazing crew who helped bring our work to life at Lumière London last week. Huge thank you to everyone @artichoketrust , #unusualrigging and all the sponsors that made this brilliant event happen!
#lumierelondon #lumiereldn #publicart #madeincanada #madeinmtl #gratitude @lateraloffice @l4studio @studio_wireframe @generiquedesign @robocutstudio

C'est l'ouverture de #luminothérapie ce soir! Les bascules seront accompagnées de la videoprojection Les Lointaines jusqu'au 28 janvier.
@lateraloffice @cs.design.lighting @the_noise_no_writing_can_store @generiquedesign @robocutstudio #impulsion
#quartierdesspectacles #publicart #lightart #wearewinter #getoutandplay #joyeusesfetes #happyholidays #canadiandesign

Today Conor Sampson and Erica Goldstein (McGill '96) are discussing Integrated design of Innovative teaching and Learning spaces to actualize an Expansive Learning Model @iidexcanada
#iidex #iidex2017 @mcgillfacilities @mcgillalumni #teachingandlearning #activelearning #expansivelearning #integrateddesign 📷 MacDonald Stewart Teaching Lab @mcgillu

Getting rev'd up for our talk tomorrow about designing active learning spaces @iidexcanada where discussion will include utilizing democratic configurations, providing surfaces to create collaboratively, using space to promote discovery, and more!
#iidex #iidex2017 @mcgill_architecture @mcgillfacilities @conorlite @er1ca.g #activelearning #evolvingeducation #philosophyofeducation #teachingandlearning 📷 Faculty of Education @mcgillu

Tomorrow @mcgill_architecture alumni Conor Sampson & Erica Goldstein will be speaking about Evolving Education Environments @iidexcanada and how teaching and learning spaces reflect philosophies of education
@conorlite @er1ca.g #iidex2017 #iidex #learningspaces #teachingspaces #design 📷 Faculty of Arts @mcgillu

Last chance to catch IMPULSE in #cincinnati today from 7pm to 12am. Huge thanks to @artworkscincy and Dianne & J. David Rosenberg for allowing us to participate in this wonderful event. We hope this is the first of many successful years to come for @blinkcincinnati #blinkcincinnati #blink2017

Smiles and laughter this weekend in Cincinnati! #lightingdesign #blinkcincinnati #blink2017 #impulse @lateraloffice @artworkscincy @blinkcincinnati @agaragency

Thanks to our amazing @paul_poirier for producing this video of the Loons, an installation we created for #canada150 and Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. Link to the full video in the profile description.

Anne-Marie getting interviewed by #PBS to talk about Impulse for education about art, design & technology. The installation is currently being featured at the #blinkcincinnati festival! Hope to see you there! @lateraloffice #lightingdesign #interactiveinstallation #blink2017

Hey #Edmonton looking for something to do this weekend? Check #Impulse at The Quarters.
#Repost @nuitblancheed (@get_repost)
This installation runs all day and all night until Oct. 1—so if you don't catch it tonight, see it before it’s gone! .
#yeg #art #yegart #thequarters #exploreedmonton #urbanyeg #art #publicart #interactiveart #yegart #nuitblanche #igyeg #yegdesign #designweek #edmonton #yegevents @lateraloffice @cs.design.lighting

What it is and what it could be. Images and analysis from our submission to the 2017 Professional Lighting Design Competition entitled Night Light | Night Life. The scheme aimed to reimagine the lighting of large scale vehicular infrastructure as a dynamic area that would respond to the passage of different types of users: pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. The lighting design is expressed as a glimpse into a starry sky - a view which is seldom available in most metropolises due to excessive light pollution.
Project team:
@carouault @berpg @sim1bevilacqua @paul_poirier @amessaum @paquetterocket @conorlite @cs.design.lighting
See all the shortlisted projects at pld-c.com/shortlist/
#lightingdesign #urbanlighting #lightingcompetition #darksky #lightpollution

Taste the rainbow #lightexperiments #lightplay

When the lines between work and play get blurred
#impulse #publicart #urbanplay #zoomin

Please join us for the second lecture of the 2017-2018 Series, the Axis Lighting Lecture | Mariana Figueiro from the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, response by Conor Sampson | Tuesday Sept, 19 in Room G-10 of Macdonald-Harrington at 6 p.m. | Poster by @manon_paquet and @philippaswartz | Event link in bio | #mcgillarchitecture
#Repost @mcgill_architecture (@get_repost) #lighting #lightingdesign #architecturallighting

Construction crew unknowingly making artful compositions on site. #finaltouches #sitesights #sitevisit #lightingdesign #architecturallighting #csdesign

Appreciating great lighting design during a light night stroll in the nation's capital
👏 @lightemotion_canada

Creating unforgettable moments! #impulsearoundtheworld #lightupyourlife #repost @idodsh #impulse #urbanart #lightart #urbanplay #ido #foreverwithyou #csdesign #lateraloffice

Assembly Day! .
Photos by @amessaum
#lightplay #lightart #interactiveart #canada150 #westmount #mtl#canadaday

The Loons react to people below, so the more people come out, the more exciting the show will be! Venez en grand nombre! #Repost @villewestmountcity
Les loons arrivent le premier juillet! Voyez un spectacle de lumières interactif unique dans le cadre du #canada150 ! The loons are coming July first! See a unique interactive light show for the #canada150 festivities! #westmount #canadaday #canada #mtl #lightshow #lightplay #lightart #interactiveart

Impulse living in rural New Jersey for part of the summer @lateraloffice @cs.design.lighting #lightart #publicinstrument #play
#Repost @groundsforsculpture
Don't miss #Impulse – our all-ages illuminated seesaw installation on view through July 9th. Come be part of the art!🌛?⭐️
#mygfs25 #groundsforsculpture #sculpture #art #nj #museum

Family outting @cs.design.lighting

Throwing only light on #23
Check out the #jordan concept store that openned this past weekend in #to #welitthat
#retaillighting #retaillightingdesign
#Repost @jumpman23 ・・・
Same 📍. New digs.
306 Yonge, in partnership with @footaction, opened its doors on Saturday in Toronto. #RECO6NIZE

✨Happy Birthday Montréal! ✨🎈#vivemtl #mtl375 #illuminationmtl #bonnefetemtl

Paul and the giant peach.

Conor Sampson will be speaking about the role of lighting designers this Wednesday at the CSC conference in Montreal. The event will be held at l'Institut du tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ). See you there! Follow the link for more information: http://montreal.csc-dcc.ca/Membership/Dinner+conferences/

Countless laughs and smiles at #navypier where #impulse is installed until the end of May. #publicartchicago #urbanplay #lightplay #soundplay

Conor Sampson will speaking about enhancing public spaces with dynamic lighting at the IES Toronoto Technical Luncheon next Wednesday! Come say hi! Event details can be found on the IES Toronto website: http://www.iestoronto.org/index.html

Throwback to the Light City Festival in Baltimore! The seesaws have been touring around the planet like rockstars. #tbt #lightingdesign #baltimore #lightcitybaltimore

Love how the lighting in this project completely changes the identity of this place over the course of the day. #architecturallighting
#Repost @architizer with @repostapp
If anyone knows how to manipulate and maximize light, it’s Steven Holl/ Light is the key element highlighted in the firm’s latest completed project, University of Iowa’s new Visual Arts Building/ Click on the link in our bio to read our interview with Holl and Senior Partner Chris McVoy
#architecture #StevenHoll #StevenHollArchitects #ChrisMcCvoy #Iowa #UIowa #VisualArtsBuilding #spiritofspace

LED-clipse ha. ha. ha. What do you think of this custom fixture we're designing? #lighting #lightingdesign #mockup #friday #montreal

Éloïse casually inspecting some reflectors during a lunch & learn on her last day in the office. We are going to miss you! Nous te souhaitons tout le succès du monde dans tes prochaines aventures. #designmtl #lendemaindejeudredi #nexttoparchitects

Completely enchanted by Yelena Filipchuk and Serge Beaulieu's @hybycozo which creates beauty with #light and #geometry @sdlpubart #canalconvergence2017 #publicart

Such an honour to be exhibiting alongside world class artists for the USA premiere of Impulse's light and sound experience #publicart #urbanplay #canalconvergence2017 @sdlpubart @lateraloffice @quartierdesspectacles_mtl @gocreos

Celebrating Light + Art + Water on the last evening of #canalconvergence2017 in Scottsdale AZ. Work shown here by Christophe Martine and Porté par le vent titled Luminéoles et Lentille d'eau #publicart @sdlpubart

Left is better.

It's a conspiracy!

She is one with the Force and the Force is with her. #starwars

La Place du Curé-Labelle est maintenant illuminée! Image tirée d'un article rédigé par Charles Michaud (TopoLocal).

We also do birthday cake lighting. Happy Birthday Davinder!

Gorgeous cornice #architecturallighting #lightingdesign #heritage #torontoarchitecture

Deux PRIX LUMIÈRE 2016 et une mention spéciale en développement durable! Merci aux clients, aux manufacturiers et à toute notre équipe chez CS Design!
Two PRIX LUMIÈRE 2016 and an honourable mention for sustainable developement! Many thanks to the clients, manufacturers and our team at CS Design!

Cheers to summer team 2016! #lightingdesign #greatteam #teamwork #karaokenight #montreal

Promenade Smith on its way! #griffintown #urbandesign #lightingdesign #almostthere @nippaysage

Harnessing the drama of daylight.
Valley House by Mount Fuji Architects Studio, Shizuoka, Japan, 2011. #Repost @the.concrete.project
#concrete #art #arch #archilovers #architecture #design #sculpture #light #shadow #japan #house #daylight #designwithlight

Graphic light lines @palzileri #mfw #menswear #fashion (📷 @jasonhughesinfo) #repost @wallpapermag

Potluck at the office! Happy multicultural sharing! #greatteam #lightingdesign #teamwork

Playing with lights! #mockup #lightingdesign #architecture #mcgill #montreal

Great find by a former student in Lyon #playingwithlight #designingwithlight #mediawall #Repost @jai_louie_fine with @repostapp

Mock-up! Incroyable l'effet de la lumière sur les matériaux 💡#lightingdesign #1000delagauchetiere #pieceofart

CSN in construction! ? #architecturallighting #constructionsite #summer2016 #lightingdesign #montreal

Never too cold for Mock-up! ❄️ -20* #winter #fortchambly #lightingdesign @meauger

May the force be with you! #mockup #lightingdesign #narrowbeam

Christmas potluck at the office! #lightingdesign #backlit #snowflakes

Mockup Time ! Backlit Ceiling #lightingdesign #architecturallighting

We love this timeless lamp by Mies Van der Rohe - made of the same material as the floor. Can you believe it was designed at the same time as the Westmount Square, back in 1967!? #lighting #lightingdesign #architecture #montreal #miesvanderrohe

Cool architectural integration of basic fluoresent at Palais des congrès #lightingdesign #architecture #details #pattern

L'incroyable effet de la température de couleur lumineuse sur notre perception du bois! Quelle zone préférez-vous?!💡#cri #lightingdesign #ies #lightingeffects #woodcolor

Cheers to summer team 2015! #Lavanderia #Westmount #Montreal #Architecture #LightingDesign

Cool new spaces worth wandering by at YUL. Massive props to the team renovating the International wing of the airport. #lighting

C'est le temps de fêter. Bonne St-Jean Baptiste! #saq #lighting #vivelequebec

New SAQ opened at Marché Jean-Talon this week. Great collaboration with architects from Archipel. #lightingdesign #mtldesign

We love mock-ups! Especially the happy accidents. #nofilter #dancinglight #led #lightingdesign

Can't wait to put our new acoustic tiles up in the office!